
MBBS Curriculum in Bangladesh

Find MBBS Curriculum for Undergraduate

Medical Education in Bangladesh


Medical science is constantly advancing with the advancement of science and technology. Global changes are happening in medical education in accordance with and in conformity with these advancements and changes. With the application of this knowledge and skills of medical science, future doctors should satisfy their patients with the changing needs of the community. Many changes are happening in teaching methods and teaching sites or learning environment. It is now an established fact that best learning is achieved by utilizing the learning environment in a factual situation. A doctor can better learn from his own patients. The slogan of today is now the unity of education and practice. The undergraduate curriculum for a future doctor is expected to be so designed that it should focus more on real-life situations and of learning i.e. more community-oriented as well as more community-based. To serve this purpose community-campus partnership is very much appropriate and essential.

The undergraduate medical curriculum followed in the medical colleges was developed in 1988 through United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and WHO support by the Centre for Medical Education with an aim to produce community-oriented doctors who will be able to provide essential primary health care to the community. That was the first documented curriculum ever developed in the country. But evaluation by UNDP (1990) and Godfrey et al (1996) revealed that it is neither community-oriented nor competency-based and there is room for much improvement. The need to develop a community-oriented and competency-based curriculum was felt by all concerned. For that series of workshops with specialists and experts from every discipline took place to develop a curriculum, which would reflect institutional, departmental objectives as well as subject-wise learning objectives. The curriculum should have content relevant to the health problems of the country and the assessment method should be scientific, reliable, and valid, and also questions should be objectively set and designed. The teaching methods should also be scientific and more biased for effective small group teaching. As a whole, the other components of the curriculum such as course contents, strategy for teaching, materials or media used, and the assessment system within the available time frame were to be identified scientifically to provide the medical graduates with proper knowledge, skills, and attitude. Thus the Undergraduate Medical Curriculum 2002 was developed and implemented.

MBBS Curriculum in Bangladesh

Now after a decade, with the combined efforts of the Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS), Centre for Medical Education (CME), and Bangladesh Medical & Dental Council (BM&DC), MOH&FW and different Dean offices reviewed and updated the Undergraduate Medical Curriculum 2002 with the inclusion of national goal, objectives, learning outcomes, competencies. The updated MBBS Curriculum 2012 is ready to be implemented from the session 2012-2013. This enormous task has been efficiently completed with the most sincere and heartiest effort of the teachers of both public and private medical colleges and also delegates of concerned authorities and faculty members of CME. The activities in regards to technical support, compilation, and editing were done by the Centre for Medical Education (CME) as per it‟s terms of reference.

Prof. Abu Shafi Ahmed Amin


Bangladesh Medical & Dental Council (BM&DC)


The quality of health care is under scrutiny all over the world because of increasing public expectations of their health care services. Therefore a positive change is needed in the role of doctors. The role of teachers and students in teaching-learning with positive changes in medical education, its strategy, and process also need to be reviewed and developed.

This reviewed MBBS curriculum 2012 has been developed and scientifically designed, which is responsive to the needs of the learners and of the community. The present curriculum, its assessment method is expected to effectively judge competencies acquired that are required to meet the health need of our people. It is gratifying to note that all concerned in the promotion of medical education in the country have involved themselves in the planning and formulation of this need-based and competency-based curriculum which has been initiated under the auspices of the Centre for Medical Education (CME).

Though the curriculum is not the sole determinant of the outcome, yet, it is very important as it guides the faculty in preparing their instruction and tells the students what knowledge, skills, and attitude they are to develop through the teaching-learning process. The ultimate indicator of assessing the curriculum in medical education is the quality of health services provided by its graduates with the required competencies.

In conclusion, I would like to mention that the curriculum planning process is continuous, dynamic, and never-ending. If it is to serve best, the needs of the individual students, educational institutions, and the community to whom we are ultimately accountable, must be assessed.

I congratulate all who were involved in reviewing, redesigning, updating, and developing the MBBS curriculum, particularly the Centre for Medical Education. They contributed to completing this activity a commendable job and deserve special appreciation.

Prof. Dr. Khondhaker Md. Shefyetullah

Director General, DGHS

Government of the Peoples Republic of Bangladesh

Background and Rationale

Curriculum planning, scheming, and updating is not a stationary process, rather a nonstop course of action done on a regular basis through a scheme. More than one decade have over and done since the Centre for Medical Education (CME), planned and developed the “Curriculum for Under-graduate Medical Education in Bangladesh 2002”

After a decade the “Curriculum for Under-graduate Medical Education in Bangladesh 2002” has been reviewed and updated for that reason. Centre for Medical Education (CME) in association with BM&DC, Dean’s Offices, DGHS, MOH&FW undertook the whole process. Review workshops were held through the active participation of different professional groups, faculty members. Accordingly, first, second, third, and final professional group meetings were held with support from Action Aid Bangladesh, PSTC, PSE, DGHS, WHO. Later on, in order to give a final shape with the recommendation, it was sent to BM&DC for further action. A task-force group examined the revised undergraduate medical curriculum.

The revised undergraduate medical curriculum is expected to be implemented with the newly admitted students in the current session. The performance of these; students as graduates will articulate the achievement of this “Curriculum for Under-graduate Medical Education in Bangladesh – Updated 2012” as need-based, community-oriented & competency-based.

I hope this curriculum will continue to serve as a guiding principle for the students and faculty members. It is readily understood that in order to further improve, update this Curriculum for Under-graduate Medical Education in Bangladesh – Updated 2012 needs constant review, revision, and updating.

Last but not least, I would like to extend my deep gratefulness to all faculty members of the Centre For Medical Education and others who shared their expertise and insights and worked hard to generate this precious document.

Professor Dr. Shah Abdul Latif


Medical Education & Health Manpower Development DGHS, Mohakhali, Dhaka 1212


MBBS in Bangladesh factors contributing to an effective medical education system is the quality of students, quality of teaching staff, and their effective delivery of the need-based scientific curriculum. Although the best students are admitted to medical colleges every year yet the medical graduates are not always of the desired quality for providing health services to the community. The answer then should be sought in other factors of which the most important is the curriculum. A curriculum is generally regarded as a program of instruction for an educational institution and its plan takes the form of a descriptive outline of courses, their arrangement and sequence, the time assigned to them, the contents to be covered in them, the instructional methods to be employed and finally evaluation.

MBBS Curriculum in Bangladesh:  The enormous task of reviewing and updating the MBBS curriculum 2002 was assigned to the Centre for Medical Education (CME). The curriculum was reviewed and updated with a scientific approach of Delphi Technique in national workshops. The participants of these workshops were almost all the Professors of the concerned departments/subjects, principals of all the medical colleges, medical educationists, faculty members of CME, and a good number of resource personnel including the President & members of the Bangladesh Medical & Dental Council and Deans of the Faculty of Medicine of Dhaka/Chittagong/Rajshahi/Shah Jalal Universities and concerned persons from DGHS and MOH&FW. The other supplementary approach was to make it evidence-based through need assessments. The overwhelming response of all categories of teachers for reviewing & updating this curriculum is indeed praiseworthy. They have worked hard to identify and discard the superfluous elements from the course contents and added new elements to make the teaching-learning process more relevant, meaningful, and up-to-date. Congratulations to them, they have done a commendable job. Efforts are given by the principals, members of the academic council, teachers, students, and intern doctor providing their valuable opinions during the need assessment at the beginning of reviewing and updating of this MBBS curriculum are duly acknowledged. As a director of, CME I express my gratitude to all the members of the National Core Committee (NCC) for their cordial co-operation, guidance all the ways since beginning up to the completion of reviewing and updating of MBBS curriculum. I acknowledge the technical and financial support from Action Aid Bangladesh, PSTC, PSE, DGHS, NMC, WHO.

The composition of the planners of this curriculum is unique. The authorities responsible for approving, implementing, and functioning this curriculum have worked together and involved themselves in its reviewing & updating. It is only natural that they left no stone unturned to get a need-based and competency-based applicable curriculum. Admission process conducted by Smile Education Consultancy (SEC)

I am grateful to all, who actively participated in this great job, especially the faculty and staff of the Centre for Medical Education who worked very hard and efficiently to develop this MBBS Curriculum 2012 which is mainly discipline-based community-oriented with the reflection of competency-based, integrated, & community-based nature.

Prof. Dr. Fatima Parveen Chowdhury


Centre for Medical Education Mohakhali, Dhaka – 1212 Bangladesh

National Goal and Objectives of MBBS                                             

MBBS Curriculum in Bangladesh – Learning Outcomes of MBBS Course                                                                       

Basic Information about MBBS Course in Bangladesh – Medical MBBS Curriculum in Bangladesh


Anatomy Physiology Biochemistry Community Medicine Forensic Medicine Pharmacology & Therapeutics Pathology Microbiology Medicine & Allied Subjects Surgery & Allied Subjects Obstetrics & Gynaecology


National Goal and Objectives of MBBS Course, Learning Outcomes/Competencies of Fresh Graduates

MBBS Curriculum in Bangladesh – National Goal:

To produce competent, compassionate, reflective, and dedicated health care professionals who:

  • consider the care and safety of their patients their first concern
  • establish  and  maintain a good  relationship  with  patients,  their  attendants, and colleagues
  • are honest, trustworthy, and act with integrity
  • are capable of dealing with common diseases and health problems of the country and are willing to serve the community particularly the rural community;
  • but at the same time acquire a firm basis for future training, service, and research at both national and international levels.
  • are committed to keeping their knowledge and skill up-to-date through “Continuous Professional Development” all through their professional life.

Objectives of MBBS Course:

At the end of the MBBS Course students shall:

  1. Acquire knowledge and understanding of
    1. the sciences upon which Medicine depends and the scientific and experimental methods;
    2. the structure, function and normal growth and development of the human body and the workings of the mind and their interaction, the factors which may disturb these, and the disorders of structure and function which may result;
    3. the etiology, natural history, and prognosis of the common mental and physical ailments. Students must have experience of emergencies and a good knowledge of the common diseases of the community and of aging processes;
    4. normal pregnancy and childbirth, the common obstetric emergencies, the principles of ante-natal and postnatal care, and medical aspects of family planning and psycho-sexual counseling;
    5. the principles of prevention and of therapy, including health education, the amelioration of suffering and disability, rehabilitation, the maintenance of health in old age, and the care of the dying;
    6. human relationships, both personal and social, and the interaction between man and his physical, biological, and social environment;
    7. the organization and provision of health care in the community and in hospital, the identification of the need for it, and the economic, ethical, and practical constraints within which it operates; and
    8. the ethical standards and legal responsibilities of the medical profession.

                2.  Develop the professional skills necessary to

                1. Elicit, record, and interpret the relevant medical history, symptoms, and physical signs, and to identify the problems and how these may be managed;
                2. Carry out simple practical clinical procedures;
                3. Deal with common medical emergencies;
                4. Communicate effectively and sensitively with patients and their relatives;
                5. Communicate clinical information accurately and concisely, both by word of mouth and in writing, to medical colleagues and to other professionals involved in the care of the patient; and
                6. Use laboratory and other diagnostic and therapeutic services effectively and economically, and in the best interests of his patients.

                3.  Develop appropriate attitudes to the practice of medicine, which include

                1. recognition that a blend of scientific and humanitarian approaches is needed in medicine;
                  1. A capacity for self-education, so that he may continue to develop and extend his knowledge and skills throughout his professional life, and recognize his obligation to contribute if he can to the progress of medicine and to new knowledge;
                  2. The ability to assess the reliability of evidence and the relevance of scientific knowledge, to reach conclusions by logical deduction or by experiment, and to evaluate critically methods and standards of medical practice;
                  3. A continuing concern for the interests and dignity of his patients;
                  4. An ability to appreciate the limitations of his own knowledge, combined with a willingness, when necessary, to seek further help; and
                  5. The achievement of good working relationships with members of the other health care professions.
                        MBBS Curriculum in Bangladesh

                        Learning Outcomes of MBBS course :

                        To achieve the National goal and course objectives, a set of “Essential learning outcomes/competencies” which students of the medical colleges/institutes on completion of MBBS course and at the point of graduation must be able to demonstrate has been defined.

                        These “essential learning outcomes/competencies” are grouped under three board headings:

                        I.    The graduate with knowledge of the scientific basis of Medical Practice

                        1. The graduate as a practitioner
                        2. The graduate as a professional

                        Find about MBBS Curriculum in Bangladesh

                        I.    The graduate with knowledge of the scientific basis of Medical Practice:

                        The graduate will understand and be able to apply basic bio-medical (anatomy, cell biology, genetics, physiology, biochemistry, nutrition, pathology, molecular biology, immunology, microbiology, pharmacology, and community medicine) principles, methods and knowledge to

                        • understand the normal processes governing homeostasis, and the mechanisms underlying the common diseases and health problems of the country.
                          • understand the psychological and sociological concepts of health, illness, and disease and explain psychological and sociological factors that contribute to illness, course of the disease, and success of treatment.
                          • select appropriate investigations necessary for the diagnosis of common clinical cases and explain the fundamental principles underlying such investigative procedures.
                          • select the appropriate treatment (including rational prescribing of drugs), management, and referral (if in the patient‟s best interest) plan for common clinical cases, acute medical emergencies, and minor surgical procedures.
                          • understand biochemical, pharmacological, surgical, psychological, social, and other interventions in acute and chronic illness, rehabilitation, and end-of-life care.
                          • understand disease surveillance and prevention, health promotion including wider determinants of health, health inequalities, health risks.
                          • understand communicable disease control in health care facilities and community settings.
                          • understand international health status, including global trends in morbidity and mortality of chronic diseases of social significance, the impact of trade and migration on health, and the role of international health organizations.
                          • undertake a critical appraisal of diagnostic, therapeutic, and prognostic trials and other quantitative and qualitative studies as reported in the medical and scientific literature.
                          • understand simple research questions in biomedical and population science and the design of relevant studies.
                        1. The Doctor as a practitioner

                        2.1.   The graduate will have the ability to carry out  a consultation with a patient

                        • Obtain and record an accurate medical history, including such related issues as age, gender, and socioeconomic status.
                          • Perform both comprehensive and organ system-specific examinations, including a mental status examination.
                          • Elicit patients‟ questions, understanding of their condition and treatment options, and their views, values, and preferences.
                          • Provide explanation, advice, reassurance, and support.

                        2.2.   The graduate will have the ability to diagnose and manage clinical cases or will refer when necessary. (Appendix I & II):

                        • Interpret findings from the history, physical examination, and mental-state examination and make an initial assessment of a patient‟s problems and a differential diagnosis appreciating the processes by which such diagnosis is tested scientifically.
                          • Construct a plan of investigation in partnership with the patient, obtaining informed consent as an essential part of this process appreciating the patient’s right to refuse or limit the investigation.
                          • Interpret the results of investigations, including growth charts, x-rays, and the results of diagnostic procedures in Appendix III.
                          • Synthesize a full assessment of the patient‟s problems and define the likely diagnosis or diagnoses.
                          • Formulate a plan for management and discharge including referrals to the right professional, according to the established principles and best evidence, in partnership with the patient, their careers, and other health professionals as appropriate.
                          • Respond to patients’ concerns and preferences, obtain informed consent, recognize and respect patients’ right to reach decisions about their treatment and care, and refuse or limit treatment.

                        The  graduate  will  have  the  ability  to  provide  immediate  care  in  medical emergencies

                        • Assess and recognize the severity of a clinical presentation and the need for immediate emergency care.
                          • Provide basic first-aid and immediate life support.
                          • Provide cardio-pulmonary resuscitation or direct other team members to carry out resuscitation.

                        The  graduate  will  have  the  ability  to  prescribe  drugs  safely,  effectively, and economically

                        • Obtain an accurate drug history, covering both prescription and non-prescription OTC drugs including complementary and alternative medications, and demonstrate awareness of the existence and range of these therapies and how this might affect other types of treatment that patients is receiving.
                          • Formulate appropriate drug therapy and record the outcome accurately.
                        • Recognize and respect patients‟ right to information about their medicines.
                          • Detect, manage, and report adverse drug reactions.

                        The graduate will have the ability to carry out practical procedures safely and effectively.

                        • Perform, measure, and record the findings of diagnostic procedures.
                          • Perform therapeutic procedures.
                          • Demonstrate correct practice in general aspects of practical procedures.

                        The graduate will have the ability to apply principles, methods, and knowledge of health informatics to medical practice:

                        • Keep accurate, legible, and complete medical records.
                          • Use effective computers and other information systems, including storing and retrieving information.
                          • Stick to the requirements of confidentiality and data protection legislation in all dealings with information.
                          • Access and use effective information sources in relation to patient care, health promotion, research, and education.

                        The graduate will have the ability to communicate effectively in a medical context.

                        • Communicate clearly and sensitively with patients, their relatives or other careers, and colleagues from medical and other professions by listening, sharing, and responding.
                          • Communicate by spoken, written, and electronic methods and recognize and respect the significance of non-verbal communication in medical consultation.
                          • Communicate appropriately in difficult circumstances, such as in times of disclosing bad news and discussing sensitive issues, i.e. alcohol consumption, smoking, or obesity.
                          • Communicate appropriately with difficult, violent patients and mentally ill people.
                          • Communicate effectively in various roles, i.e. as a patient advocate, teacher, manager, or improvement leader.

                        The Doctor as a professional

                        MBBS Curriculum in Bangladesh

                        The graduate will apply to medical practice ethical, moral, and legal principles and will be able to :

                        • Recognize and respect BM&DC‟s ethical guidelines and standards and supplementary ethical guidance that describe what is expected of all doctors registered with BM&DC.
                          • Demonstrate awareness of professional values which include excellence, altruism, responsibility, compassion, empathy, accountability, honesty and integrity, and a commitment to scientific methods.
                          • Make the care of the patient the first concern and maintain confidentiality, respect patients‟ dignity and privacy and act with appropriate consent.
                          • Respect all patients, colleagues, and others regardless of their age, color, culture, disability, ethnic or national origin, gender, lifestyle, marital or parental status, race, religion or beliefs, sexual orientation, or social or economic status.
                        • Recognize patients‟ right to hold religious or other beliefs, and respect these when relevant to treatment options.
                          • Know about laws and systems of professional regulation through BM & DC and others, relevant to medical practice and complete relevant certificates and legal documents and liaise with the coroner and others as appropriate
                          • Use moral reasoning and decision-making to conflicts within and between ethical, legal, and professional issues including those raised by economic constraints, commercialization of health care, and scientific advances.

                        The graduate will be able to reflect, learn, and teach:

                        • Establish the foundations for lifelong learning and continuing professional development, including a professional development portfolio containing reflections, achievements, and learning needs.
                          • Acquire, assess, apply, and integrate new knowledge, learn to adapt to changing circumstances, and ensure the highest level of professional care to the patients.
                          • Recognize own personal and professional limits and seek help from colleagues and supervisors as necessary.
                          • Work with colleagues in ways that best serve the interests of patients, pass on information and hand over care, demonstrate flexibility, adaptability, and a problem-solving approach.
                          • Function effectively as a mentor and teacher, contribute to the appraisal, assessment, and review of colleagues, and give effective feedback.

                        The graduate will be able to learn and work effectively within a multi-professional team:

                        • Recognize and respect the roles and expertise of health and social care professionals in the context of working and learning as a multi-professional team.
                          • Build team capacity and positive working relationships and undertake leadership and membership roles in a multi-professional team.

                        The graduate will have the ability to protect patients and improve care:

                        • Place patients‟ needs and safety at the center of the care process and deal effectively with uncertainty and change.
                          • Know about the framework of medical practice in Bangladesh including the organization, management, and regulation of healthcare provision; the structures, functions, and priorities of the National Health Policy; and the roles of, and relationships between the agencies and services involved in protecting and promoting individual and population health.
                          • Apply the principles of risk management and quality assurance to medical practice including clinical audit, adverse incident reporting, and how to use the results of the audit to improve practice.
                          • Understand own personal health needs, consult and follow the advice of a qualified professional and protect patients from any risk posed by own health.
                          • Recognize the duty to take action if a colleague‟s health, performance or conduct is putting patients at risk.

                        MBBS Admission in Bangladesh 2021

                        Basic Information About MBBS Course

                        1.  Name of the Course: Bachelor of Medicine & Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS)

                        Basic qualifications And prerequisites for entrance in MBBS Course:

                        • HSC or equivalent with Science. (Biology, Physics, Chemistry)
                        • The candidate has to secure the required grade point in the SSC and HSC examinations.
                        • Required Minimum GPA 7 for Indian Candidates
                        • Contact Smile Education for information & Admission guidance
                        • Calculate GPA Online
                          • Students selection procedure for MBBS course:  According to a decision by the proper competent authority as per merit.
                          • The medium of Instruction: English
                          • Duration: MBBS course comprises of 5 Years, followed by logbook based rotatory internship for one year

                          Course structure and duration – MBBS Curriculum in Bangladesh

                          The MBBS course is divided into four phases.

                          PhaseDuration (Years)SubjectsExamination
                          1st phaseAnatomy Physiology BiochemistryFirst Professional MBBS
                          2nd phase1Community Medicine Forensic MedicineSecond Professional MBBS
                          3rd phase1Pharmacology & Therapeutics Pathology MicrobiologyThird  Professional MBBS
                          4th phase1½  yearMedicine & Allied subjects Surgery & Allied subjects Obstetrics and GynaecologyFinal Professional MBBS

                          NB:  All academic activities including professional examination of each phase must be completed within the specified time of the phase.

                          About MBBS Curriculum in Bangladesh

                          Phase wise distribution of teaching-learning hours:

                          1st Phase

                          SubjectLecture  (hours)TutorialPracticalOthersIntegrated teachingFormative ExamSummative examTotal
                          Preparatory leaveExam timePreparatory leaveExam time
                          Anatomy1155352Dissection +Card exam 310    30 hrs    35 days    42 days    30 days    30 days530
                          Behavioral science, communication skill, and medical ethics will be taught through five lecturers (5 hours) within the 1st phase under the supervision of the Community Medicine department5
                          Grand Total1195
                          (Time for integrated teaching, exam. preparatory leave of formative & summative assessment is common for all subjects  of the phase )
                          2nd   Phase
                          SubjectLecture (in hours)TutorialPractical/DemonstrationIntegrated teachingFormative ExamSummative examTotal
                          Preparatory leaveExam timePreparatory leaveExam time
                          Community Medicine110160COME        (community based                        medical education):30 days (10 days day visit + 10 days RFST+ 10 days study tour)- 30 days (10+10+10)5      15 days      15 days      15 days      20 days  275 + 30 days
                          Forensic Medicine8055555  195
                          (Time for exam. preparatory leave and  formative and summative assessment  is common for all subjects of the phase )
                          3rd    Phase
                          SubjectLecture (in hours)TutorialPracticalOthersFormative Exam
                          Prepa ratory leaveExam timePrepa        Exam ratory                 time leave
                          Parmacology & Therapeutics1003050Clinical Pharmaco logy 20    10 days    15 days    10            15 days         days200
                            (Time for exam. preparatory leave and  formative and summative assessment  is common for all subjects of the phase )
                          4th Phase
                          MBBS Curriculum in Bangladesh - Medicine & Allied Subjects
                          SubjectLecture (in hours)  Tutorial classesIntegrated teachingClinical (bedside teaching), in weeksTotal weeksBlock postingFormative ExamSummative exam
                          2nd phase3rd phase4th phaseTotal2nd phase3rd phase4th phase      4 weeksPreparatory leave-15 days Exam time -15 daysPreparatory leave-15 days Exam time -30 days
                          Internal medicine262411016020020 hrs.14612+2(OP D)34
                          Physical Medicine--55--2-2
                          Total304418125522520 hrs.201420544 weeks
                          Grand Total500 hours58 weeks75 days
                          Time for exam, preparatory leave, formative & summative assessment is common for all subjects of the phase
                          Preventive aspects of all diseases will be given due importance in teaching learning considering public health context of the country and others parts of the world.
                          Related ethical issues will be discussed in all clinical teaching learning

                          Obstetrics & Gynaecology

                          • Teaching & learning methods

                          The following teaching and learning methods will be followed: Large Group Teaching:

                          Lecture Seminar

                          Small-Group Teaching:

                          Tutorial Demonstration Students interaction

                          Problem Based Learning (PBL) Practical session:

                          Use of practical manual

                          Performing the task/examination by the student Writing the practical notebook

                          Field Placement (Community based medical education):

                                In small groups  for performing activities by the student themselves Clinical teaching:

                          Inward, OPD, OT, POW, ED, ICU, etc.

                          By concerned persons Integrated teaching

                          Encourage to learn ICT through the computer lab of the college.

                          MBBS Curriculum in Bangladesh Assessment:

                          1. There will be in-course (card/item/term) and end-course (professional) assessments for the students in each phase (1st, 2nd, 3rd & 4th phase) of the course i.e. formative and professional examination.
                          2. Formative assessment will be done through results of items, cards, and the term ending examination & class attendance.
                          3. For formative assessment, 10% marks of written examination of each paper of each subject are allocated
                          4. For the Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) of each paper, 20% of marks are allocated. There will be a separate answer script for the MCQ part of the examination. The total number of MCQ will be 20.
                          5. For SAQ of each paper, 70% of marks are allocated
                          6. The oral part of the examination will be structured
                          7. OSPE / OSCE will be used for assessing skills/competencies. Traditional long & short cases will be also used for clinical assessment
                          8. There will be phase final professional examination within each academic phase.

                          I.       Eligibility for appearing in the professional examination:

                          • Certificate from the respective head of departments regarding students obtaining at least 75% attendance in all classes (theory, practical, tutorial, residential field practice, clinical placement, etc.) during the phase.
                            • Obtaining at least 60% marks in examinations.
                            • No student shall be allowed to appear in the professional examinations (prof exam) unless the student passes in all the subjects of the previous professional examinations

                          J. Pass Marks:

                          Pass marks are 60%. Students shall have to pass written (MCQ + SAQ + formative), oral, practical, and clinical examinations separately.

                          Examinations & distribution of marks:

                          Medical MBBS Curriculum in Bangladesh

                          First Professional Examination

                          SubjectsWritten Exam marksStructured Oral Exam marksPractical Exam marksFormative Exam marksTotal Marks
                          Soft partHard part

                          Second Professional Examination

                          SubjectsWritten Exam marksStructured Oral Exam marksPractical Exam marksFormative Exam marksTotal Marks
                          Community Medicine9010010010300
                          Forensic Medicine9010010010300

                          Third Professional Examination

                          SubjectsWritten Exam marksStructured Oral Exam marksPractical Exam marksFormative Exam marksTotal Marks
                          Pharmacology & Therapeutics9010010010300

                          Fourth Professional Examination

                          SubjectsWritten Exam marksStructured Oral Exam marksClinicalPracticalFormative Exam marksTotal Marks
                          Medicine & Allied Subject18010010010020500
                          Surgery & Allied Subject18010010010020500
                          Obstetrics & Gynecology18010010010020500
                          • Common Rules for Examinations
                            • University professional examination to be started in May and November.
                            • University professional examinations will be completed within the specified time of the concerned phase
                            • No, carry on the system before passing 1st professional examination
                            • After passing 1st professional examination students can appear for the second professional exam if all other prerequisites for the second professional examination are fulfilled. In the meantime, students can attend clinical ward placement, teaching-learning.
                            • To appear 3rd  professional examination students have to pass all the subjects of the previous second prof examination if all other prerequisites are fulfilled. In the meantime, students can attend clinical ward placement,  teaching-learning.

                          Students can also attend the classes of subjects of 4th phase

                          • To appear 4th (Final) professional examination students have to pass all the subjects of the previous 3rd professional examination if all other prerequisites are fulfilled. In the meantime, students can attend clinical ward placement, teaching-learning.

                          Few directives and consensus about the following issues of assessment:

                          1. In the case of OSPE/OSCE- Instruments/equipment to be taken to oral boards to ask open questions to the students apart from Structured Oral  Examination  (SOE). There will be a scope of instruments related to viva, especially in clinical subjects and where applicable. Central OSPE/OSCE from Dean’s Office after moderation will be encouraged.
                          2. In the case of Structured Oral Examination (SOE), instead of preparing specific structured questions, topics will be fixed considering a wide range of content coverage. A rating scale will be used for marking the students concurrently. Each student will be asked questions from all topics of the set. The equal or average duration of time will be set for every student.
                          Internship :

                          MBBS Curriculum in BangladeshAfter passing the final professional MBBS examination students have to enroll for a one-year log book-based rotatory internship or clerkship program. Within this one year 11 months and 15 days at medical college hospital and 15 days at UHC. The internship program will be more structured and supervised. It is compulsory to complete the Internship Training Programme designed by BM&DC to get a permanent registration for doing independent practice.

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